Baden-Powell Council
Spring Camporee 1997
List of Stations
Station A - Gettysburg: Message for General Lee/ General Meade (signalling)
Station B - Battle of the Wilderness (orienteering)
Station C - Falmouth Mud March (pioneering)
Station D - Pontoon Bridge at Fredricksburg (height/distance)
Station E - Siege of Vicksburg (communication/memory/observation)
Station F - Wounded at Petersburg (first aid)
Station G - Foragers on the March (firebuilding/cooking)
Station H - A Letter from Home (game)
Station I - The Monitor and the Merrimac (game)
Station J - The Secret Service (nature/observation)
Station K - Artillery Duel at Yorktown (leadership/game)
Station L - Burnside's Bridge at Antietam (fitness/game)
Station M - Bringing up the Supplies (team-building/game)
Station N- Running the Blockade (leadership/communication)
Station O- Unloading the Ships (pioneering)
Stations P/Q- Patrol Good Turn (½ hour)
Station R- Reenactors (noncompetitive)
Station S- Museum Setup (noncompetitive)
Note: the stations will not be in alphabetical order on the trail. Stations may be omitted or added as needed, depending on the number of patrols participating. Each station will take 15 minutes, with 5 minutes between stations.
Saturday Schedule
8:30 Opening Ceremony
9:00 - 12:00 The Battle of Greenwood Park - morning session
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-4:00 The Battle of Greenwood Park - afternoon session
(note - ending time depends on number of stations/patrols)
4:15 Picketts Charge
8:00 Campfire
9:30 Leaders Crackerbarrel
10:00 Taps