Tioughnioga District
1998 Cook-o-ree
---- Friday, May 15th ----
1700-2000 Check In
2100 SPL Meeting / Cracker-barrel
2200 Taps
---- Saturday, May 16th ----
0900-1200 Morning - Patrol Competitions on the woods trail
1 - Grocery Store (menus, costing)
2 - Flapjack Relay
3 - Utensil-less Cooking
4 - Cooking Gadgets
5 - First Aid
6 - Food Kim's Game
1200-1300 Lunch - at campsites
1300-1500 Afternoon - Demonstrations around the pond
- troops welcome to put on demonstrations, too
Wild Foods
Ovens (Dutch, Reflector, Tinfoil)
Firebuilding Workshop
Backpacking Foods
Utensilless Cooking
E-Z Clean Cooking
Foil Packs
(and others - come and see!)
1730-1830 Movable Feast - at campsites
Judges circulate - Food creativity, Gateway judging, campsite
2000 Campfire
2200 Taps
------ Sunday, May 17th ------
0930 Scouts' Own Service