Is the name
of the pack/troop/patrol on the packet? 10
Is there a listing of the
patrol/den members with rank & leadership 10
Are the guests names
included (including scout leaders & guests) 10
Is the menu listed and
complete 10
Is the shopping list
included and complete 10
Is the cost of the food
supplies listed (per item - Total Cost) 10
Is there a list of
equipment/supplies needed to cook each meal 10
Is there a patrol duty
roster for all meals 10
Is the patrol roster varied
(not one cook or KP person for all meals) 10
Is there a time schedule
listed (when to start the fire, cook meal etc) 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # __________ Total Score _______
Is the name
of the pack/troop/patrol on the packet? 10
Is there a listing of the
patrol/den members with rank & leadership 10
Are the guests names
included (including scout leaders & guests) 10
Is the menu listed and
complete 10
Is the shopping list
included and complete 10
Is the cost of the food
supplies listed (per item - Total Cost) 10
Is there a list of
equipment/supplies needed to cook each meal 10
Is there a patrol duty
roster for all meals 10
Is the patrol roster varied
(not one cook or KP person for all meals) 10
Is there a time schedule
listed (when to start the fire, cook meal etc) 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # __________ Total Score _______
A. Schedule of events posted 10
B. First Aid kit present 10
C. Water buckets/barrels available for fire 10
D. Fire place of approved design 10
E. Tents are correctly and neatly set up 10
F. One spade/shovel available 10
G. Extra rope/line and camp materials neatly stored 10
H. Original ground cover not removed 10
I. Designated hand washing area 10
J. Approved axe yard neatly set up 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # __________ Total Score _______
Cooking & Dining Area Score Sheet
Troop or Pack # ______
Patrol or Den Name _____________ Max
A. Duty roster posted 10
B. Menu posted 10
C. Duty roster and menu are being followed 10
D. Proper dish washing area 10
E. Food properly stored 10
F. Area neat and clean 10
G. Trash bags available/in use 10
H. Water stored to prevent leaking 10
I. Meal preparation area neat and clean 10
J. Meal is served in a cleanly manner 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # __________ Total Score _______
A. U.S. Flag attached 10 B. Unit & Patrol Flags attached (5 pts. Each) 10
C. Gateway free-standing 10
D. Gateway sign 10
E. Correct use of lashing 10
F. All rope ends whipped or back spliced 10
G. Working gate 10
H. Originality of design 10
I. How Complex is the construction 10
J. Over all appearance 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # ________ Total Score _________
Patrol Flag Score Sheet (Circle all that apply or list score)
A. Boy made / did all members of original patrol contribute 5
B. Name of patrol & patrol members included or attached 5
C. Originality of flag design & Flag Staff 5
Webelos den participation with your troop or troop with Webelos (Pick one of the below)
The Webelos were just there 5 pts
The Webelos were watching and learning 10 pts
The Webelos were really part of the action 15 pts
Spot Check 2-3 tents ( circle average)
Very messy = 0 pts, Poor needs improvement = 5 pts,
Average = 10 pts Better than average = 15 pts
Neat & Clean & Orderly = 20 pts.
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _________ Total Score ________
A. Followed plans 10
B. Two Pulleys & 2 L pop bottle used 10
C. Arm is 3 pieces lashed 10
D. Lashed properly & neatly done 10
E. Team Work / Patrol Method used 10
A. Number of Gadgets 10
B. Complexity of Gadgets 10
C. Usefulness of the Gadgets 10
D. Lashed properly & neatly done 10
E. Team Work / Patrol Method used 10
Scored By _______________________ Troop # _______________ Total Score _______
Balloons loaded on site
Practice shots taken (Three)
Scout from patrol to pick up balloon remnants
Distance from target for shot (1)
Distance from target for shot (2)
Distance from target for shot (3)
Total of three distances
Score (= 100 minus total of 3 distances)
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # ________ Total Score _________
The whole patrol was busy working 10
Cleanliness was observed in preparation of the food 10
The area was cleaned up after the meal 10
The patrol worked as a patrol / Duty roster was followed 10
The boys did the work 10
The boys made up the menu & Shopped for the food 10
Guests were made comfortable 10
The Guests were served well 10
The meal was creative or was it the “same old stuff” 10
They followed the Recipe or meal plan 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _______ Total Score __________
Circle the description that best describes the meal that you had. Be honest.
100 % A +, Great, none better, I am impressed, 5 Star 100
90 % A -, Excellent, Top 10 %, Great food, 4 Star 90
80% B, Very, Very Good, Well above average, 3 Star 80
70% C, Average Boy Scout Food, room for improvement 70
60% D, Just passing, Need lots of improvement, one could eat it 60
50% F, Made an effort, missed the mark, I am not coming back 50
0% No attempt 0
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # ______ Total Score_________
The whole patrol was busy working 10
Cleanliness was observed in preparation of the food 10
The area was cleaned up after the meal 10
The patrol worked as a patrol / Duty roster was followed 10
The boys did the work 10
The boys made up the menu & Shopped for the food 10
Guests were made comfortable 10
The Guests were served well 10
The meal was creative or was it the “same old stuff” 10
They followed the Recipe or meal plan 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _______ Total Score __________
Circle the description that best describes the meal that you had. Be honest.
100 % A +, Great, none better, I am impressed, 5 Star 100
90 % A -, Excellent, Top 10 %, Great food, 4 Star 90
80% B, Very, Very Good, Well above average, 3 Star 80
70% C, Average Boy Scout Food, room for improvement 70
60% D, Just passing, Need lots of improvement, one could eat it 60
50% F, Made an effort, missed the mark, I am not coming back 50
0% No attempt 0
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _________ Total Score ________
Dinner Score Sheet
The whole patrol was busy working 10
Cleanliness was observed in preparation of the food 10
The area was cleaned up after the meal 10
The patrol worked as a patrol / Duty roster was followed 10
The boys did the work 10
The boys made up the menu & Shopped for the food 10
Guests were made comfortable 10
The Guests were served well 10
The meal was creative or was it the “same old stuff” 10
They followed the Recipe or meal plan 10
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _______ Total Score __________
Circle the description that best describes the meal that you had. Be honest.
100 % A +, Great, none better, I am impressed, 5 Star 100
90 % A -, Excellent, Top 10 %, Great food, 4 Star 90
80% B, Very, Very Good, Well above average, 3 Star 80
70% C, Average Boy Scout Food, room for improvement 70
60% D, Just passing, Need lots of improvement, one could eat it 60
50% F, Made an effort, missed the mark, I am not coming back 50
0% No attempt 0
Scored By ____________________________ Troop # _________ Total Score ______
The point totals and guide
lines are as follows:
Preliminary Planning Score 200 pts – 4 judges (camping
committee) Total of the 4 scores/ 2
We need 4 of
these sheets for each patrol
We need 2 of
these sheets for each patrol
This gives us a total of 1300 points plus the Bonus of 50. Roughly half of the completion is evaluated by the camping committee and the other half by the scoutmasters and assistant scout masters. Virtually every part of the completion is judged by at least 2 judges. If we can not trust the scoutmasters and camping committee to be fair judges, we are in a world of hurt and need to look at the scout oath and laws more carefully.
This also gives you possible parameters and guide lines for future Camp-o-Rees.
I would like to thank Keith Head for all of his help and ideas for making this.
I am going to be gone and of course this is all subject to debate and change.
Thank you Dave.
Evaluation Guide Lines
As it is somewhat impossible to establish point values for each and every phase of activity in a scouting event, Competition, or outing. It maybe helpful to Review some scouting basic principles, as we try to establish and implement an evaluation process.
This is from my 1954 scout handbook, nearly 50 years old and still applicable today.
Are you (as a scoutmaster or leader of scouts);
Trustworthy: Are you to be trusted to do a fair, accurate, and honorable evaluation?
Loyal Are you being loyal to your fellow scouts & the traditions of being a good Scout?
Helpful Are you being a help to your fellow scout, are you doing all a good turn daily?
Friendly Are you treating all scouts in a friendly manor and not just a friend of a few?
Courteous Are you being polite to all, with out reward to yourself?
Kind Are you striving to protect and encourage all Scouts in fair play?
Obedient Are you being obedient to the principles of scouting?
Cheerful Can you cheerfully evaluate others, so that they feel they have been fairly dealt with?
Thrifty Are you hording your scouting knowledge or sharing it with others?
Brave Are you brave enough to live up to the scouting ideals and promises?
Clean Are you clean in thought, word and action? Are your actions and motives pure?
Reverent Are your actions respectful, are you helping all fairly and honestly?
As for some rough guide lines
10 pts = 100% A+ Top 5 % or better, none better, I am impressed, 5 Star Great, Excellent, Top Dog,
“A # 1”, None better, beyond compare
9 pts = 90% A -, Excellent, Top 10 %, Great food, 4 Star
8 pts = 80% B, Very, Very Good, Well above average, 3 Star
7 pts = 70% C, Average Boy Scout performance, Lots of room for improvement
6 pts = 60% D Just passing, Need lots of improvement, one could eat it this food
5-2 pts = 50 % “F”, Made an effort, missed the mark, I am not coming back here 50
0 pts 0
% “-“ 0% No attempt