“Boy Scout
Camp” on the Marias River
near the Moffat Bridge approximately 7 miles below
Tiber Dam
(85 miles from Gt. Falls)
Theme: As this is near Father’s Day & Mother’s Day, the
scouts will be showing off their fancy cooking & other scouting skills to
mom & dad & other special guests (scoutmasters, assistant scoutmasters,
committee members, contest judges etc.).
Contests are all based
primarily on the requirements for advancement in rank & merit badges. See your scout book & reference the
requirements for the cooking requirements.
The patrol method, cooperation, problem solving, team work & “No
Trace” camping will be stressed. The
boys should have a fun filled day.
A good on line resource is
Fee: $10 per person, payable in the Scout office by May 1
at 4:00. (Also due Paperwork part 1
Late registration will be 25% more & scouts will have a 10% contest point deduction and all materials (paper work) must be in “in total” before “Cracker Barrel” 8:00 PM Friday night.
Contests: Will be in several parts this year and based primarily on;
Webelos requirement # 7c
Arrow of Light requirement #2e & 5
Outdoorsman Activity
Scout requirement #6
Tenderfoot requirements #2, 3, 4 & 8
Second Class requirements 2c - 2g
First Class requirements #3, 4, 7
Cooking, Camping Pioneering Merit Badges
Refer to all of the Cooking merit badge requirements & parts of the Camping & Pioneering merit badge requirements.
Campsite: Camp Gateway
& Camp gadgets
Camp setup & inspection.
Cooking: Planning
preparing presenting & cleanup.
Catapult: A water balloon contest.
Check with the Camping
Committee upon arrival as to where your unit is to camp. Campsites will be assigned in a general area
on a first come basis. An area will be
“off limits” for camping and will be set aside for Order of the Arrow. Scout trailers and other vehicles will not be
allowed in camp. You may pull in and
unload your vehicles, but must then remove the vehicles from the camping
area. The Family camp area (for scouting
families and their RVs) will use the area to the west of the road, by the canoe
landing and by the permanent outdoor toilets.
Please check with the camping committee before parking, so that we may
maximize the use of this area for all
Each unit will have a camp
gateway. This should be constructed of
non-manufactured lumber products & lashed together on site. The name board may be constructed off site &
may be made from manufactured lumber products.
(non-manufactured lumber products = logs or poles from the woods)
The campsite shall be well
laid out, neat & orderly, this includes inside the tents. Typical areas to include are; uncut wood
area, ax yard, cut wood pile, cooking area, camp kitchen, wash area, etc.
During spare time scouts can
be making gadgets for camp. Remember you
are “showing off your scouting skills”.
The catapult can be worked on
in or “near” the camp. It will be moved to the contest area after
Each patrol needs to Plan,
Budget, Shop & prepare a breakfast, lunch & dinner for your patrol
& guests.
Each patrol will select an
area in their campsite, but separate from other patrols.
Each patrol will be judged on
the following.
Plan, budget,
shop & transport & store required supplies. (Include & supply &
equipment list) The following lists or
plans will be included with your registration packet when you register May 1
& will include; a) the troop or pack number, b) patrol name, c) a list of
the members of the patrol including patrol leadership position & rank of
the scout, d) the names of the guests (plan for one “guest judge” for each
meal), e) the menu, f) the shopping list for foods, g) the cost of each of the
food items, h) the list of required equipment, I) the patrol duty rooster (a
list of the duties of the patrol members for each phase of this competition),
j) a time schedule of when the cooking will be started, meals served &
clean up completed, k) other lists as deemed necessary to properly prepare for
& complete this competition. Turn in these lists with your
registration. They are part of the
contest and will be judged prior to contests.
Prepare a
fire-cooking area.
Cook breakfast
& serve it to the patrol & guests & clean up afterwards.
Cook Lunch &
serve it to the patrol & guests & clean up afterwards.
Cook dinner &
serve it to the patrol & guests & clean up afterwards.
Clean up cooking
area to no trace camping standards.
Make sure that
your guests are comfortable & well served.
The meals should
be cooked & may have a theme such as one pot cooking, tin foil cooking,
light weight-back pack cooking. Please state that emphasis on your menu. More difficult & innovative cooking
procedures will receive more points. A hot
dog on a stick will not receive as much credit as Dutch oven cooked roast will
potatoes, carrots, & fresh baked bread.
Remember you want to impress these special guest on your ability to
prepare a first class meal for them showing off your scout skills.
9. Attention Patrol leaders. This is a patrol contest; your patrol should have fun but no horseplay. “Keep Busy & Have Fun”
10. Don’t forget camp gadgets.
The scouts will
load the water balloons on site.
They will be
permitted practice shots before the target is set.
Shooting order
will be determined by volunteer & draw.
After the target
is set they will have three practice shots.
They will fire
three shots at the target.
The distance from
where the balloon lands to the target, measured to the closest foot = score
The total of the
scores from the three shots is their score.
Low Score Wins.
One scout from
each patrol will pick up the remains of the water balloons.
Materials: Materials will
not be available on site for construction of camp gadgets, gateways or the
catapult. It is suggested that you get
an assortment of lodge pole pine poles to use for construction. The number & sizes of poles will be up
to you to determine. This means that
you will have to do some planning before hand. The material on site available to us to use
is downed wood, mainly cottonwood. The
downed wood will be your main source for fires etc.
We are camping in Montana in a primitive and undeveloped area. The conditions of the camp area are not going to be greatly different from what Lewis and Clark encountered. You will encounter wild animals. These animals may be small and harmless, like a mosquitoes or flies or large and harmful. This is Montana and it’s wildlife. Be prepared. Do not harm the wildlife this includes the flowers, scrubs and trees. Stay away from the dangerous animals (snakes) and avoid bothering all wildlife. Do everything in your power to not attract animals to you. Do not feed the wildlife.
We will be camping in a
cottonwood bottom on the edge of a river.
Scouts are not to be in or
near the river. Beware of dead cottonwood limbs or trees. Remember
“Rock a by baby in the tree top, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock,
when the bough breaks the cradle will fall, down will come the baby cradle and
all.” (This is from a new grandfather). Both times that we have been up to the camp,
it was windy on top, but not windy in the camp area.
Time Line:
Ask questions – Start Planning – Get
Get Lodge pole pine poles. (go camping in April as a tune up & get the poles at the same time)
patrol method & organization.
Have patrols set up menus.
Have patrols get food.
Review catapult plans.
Gather materials for campout.
Invite guests.
Have patrols prepare lists for part
#1 Cooking.
Make sure patrols have their list
ready to turn in with their registration.
Turn in patrol lists as required in
part #1 Cooking with your registration.
May 1 Registration
is due.
May 3 Load up the
boys & head them out.
May 3 4:00 –
8:00 Arrive - Check in & set up camp
May 3 8:00 – 9:00 Cracker Barrel
Scout Masters, Pack Masters
& youth Webelos Leaders (Required one adult and one youth leader for each
patrol or den.)
Set: 8:39pm - Sun Rise: 6:02am
Rise: 2:57am
11:00 Lights
May 4 7:00 Reveille
8:00 Serve
9:00 Flag
Ceremony by camp headquarters
12:00 Serve
5:00 Serve
6:00 Catapult
7:00 “Zero
Trace Camping” Inspection
7:30 Campfire
– Guests –
Lewis & Clark talk – Awards –
Comments – O A Tap out
11:00 Lights
May 5 7:00 Reveille
Breakfast on
your own
9:00 Non-Denominational
10:00 Camp
Check out.
How to get there from
Great Falls:
Take highway 87
north towards Fort Benton.
Near Fort Benton,
at milepost 40.5, take a left & head west on highway 223 to Tiber Dam.
At milepost 39.2,
take a left & head west to Lake Ewell (Tiber Dam). This is gravel.
After 1.5 miles
at the crossroad, take a left & head south.
After 4.3 miles
should be at where the Moffat Bridge crosses the Marias River.
Scout camp on the
left side (east), Webelos on the right side (west) near the bathroom &
canoe landing.
to get there from Chester:
Take highway 223
south of Chester, to milepost 39.2 (approximately 13 miles)
2. At milepost 39.2 take a right & head west to Lake Ewell (Tiber Dam). This is gravel.
3. After 1.5 miles at the crossroad, take a left & head south.
4. After 4.3 miles you should be at where the Moffat Bridge crosses the Marias river.