Campsite Organization:
A. Schedule of events posted 15 ____________
B. First Aid kit present 15 ____________
C. Water barrels available for fire 15 ____________
D. Fire place of approved design 10 ____________
E. Dining area with rain fly 5 ____________
F. Tour permit approved and posted 15 ____________
G. One spade/shovel available 10 ____________
H. Extra rope/line neatly stored 5 ____________
I. Original ground cover not removed 10 ____________
J. Designated hand washing area 10 ____________
K. Approved ax yard 10 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 120 _________
Cooking Area:
A. Duty roster posted 5 ____________
B. Menu posted 5 ____________
C. Proper dish washing area 10 ____________
D. Food properly stored 5 ____________
E. Area neat and clean 5 ____________
F. Trash bags available/in use 10 ____________
G. Water stored to prevent leaking 10 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 50 _________
Patrol Areas:
A. Patrol flags displayed on site 10 ____________
B. Site clean 10 ____________
C. Tents and flys erected properly 10 ____________
D. Correct knots used on site setup 10 ____________
E. Patrol cooking area neat 10 ____________
F. Clothing/Equipment neatly stored 10 ____________
3. Patrol Areas (cont.)
G. Fire buckets used/placed correctly 10 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 70 _________
Bonus Points:
A. Webelos den participation with your troop 35 ____________
B. Camp gadgets made and used 25 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 60 _________
CAMPSITE 120 _________
COOKING AREA 50 _________
PATROL AREA 70 _________
BONUS POINTS 60 _________
GRAND TOTAL 300 _______
Evaluated: Max
A. U.S. Flag and unit flag attached 15 ____________
B. Gateway free-standing 15 ____________
C. Correct use of lashing 15 ____________
D. All rope ends whipped or back spliced 10 ____________
E. Working gate 30 ____________
F. Originality of design 15 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 100 _________
Patrol Name
A. Boy made 10 ____________
B. Names of patrol members included or attached 10 ____________
C. Originality of flag design 10 ____________
D. Originality of staff or flag holder design 10 ____________
E. Did all members of original patrol contribute 10 ____________
TOTAL POINTS 50 _________