Soar Like An Eagle

Fall 1999 Camporee

Metro Lakes District

Rum River Scout Camp

September 17th, 18th, and 19th


 August 1999

Dear Scouts and Scouters

Your Troop is invited to attend the annual Metro Lakes District Fall Camporee. This year’s theme is "Soar Like An Eagle". Our Camporee dates are September 17-19.

This registration packet should help you understand what is happening at the Camporee so you can publicize it to your Troop. Activities include Patrol Spirit competitions (bring a Patrol Flag), collecting food for the hungry, and many other challenging and fun events.

This year we are also including a Webelos, get to know the Troops, experience. This unique time can be used for Webelos recruitment, and to help the Webelos prepare for Scouting. This will also be an opportunity for parents of Webelos to get to meet prospective future Scoutmasters.

Currently we are planning on offering the COPE course in the afternoon on Saturday, however, we still need a qualified individual to run the course. If you know of anyone who is Lower COPE Course Certified who would be willing to work that afternoon, please let me know as soon as possible. If anyone is interested in becoming certified let me know and we will get you through training. Each district is required to have it’s own people to run the COPE course for them.

We need your assistance with staffing this event. With many exciting activities planned for the 20-30 Troops and over 300 Scouts and Scouters we need Staff Members! Each Troop is asked to encourage one older Scout, preferable one who is not currently an SPL or PL and who is a member of the OA, to volunteer to work on the Camporee Staff.

If there are any adults who would like to assist with the planning and staffing for future Camporees, you can also contact me as fresh ideas are always welcome for these events.

Call Ted McLaughlin, District Camping Chair, at (612) 971-0968; or email at, if you are interested in being either on staff for either this Camporee, or are interested in helping with planning future Camporees.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the Camporee!!!!

Ted McLaughlin


Table of Contents

Welcome Letter 2

General Information 3

Camporee Policies 4

Event Schedule 5

Patrol Requirements 6

Food Drive 6

Webelos Midway 6

Event Descriptions 7

Registration Form 8

Pre-Registration Form 9

Battle of Iwo Jima 10


General Information

First Aid

First Aid will be available at Colbert Shelter. However, each Troop should be able to take care of minor injuries. Major injuries should be reported to and attended by the staff at Colbert Shelter. Please have proper medical forms for each person. We will have trained medical personnel on staff for this Camporee.


Scouts should be in Class "A" uniforms upon arrival, at worship services, Flag Ceremonies, and during the campfire program. During the day on Saturday Scouts may dress in either Class "A" uniforms, or Troop tee-shirts. Patrols should dress consistently. We are going to have a large Webelos contingent so we want to look sharp for them. Also, Scouts must be in either the Class "A" uniform or Troop tee-shirt to receive the Root-Beer at the Food Drive location.


The cost for the Camporee this year is $7.00. This includes a nifty patch, camp fees, cracker-barrel, SPL breakfast, Root-Beer, and other assorted supplies and equipment. Not too bad for a great weekend.

Camporee Policies

The following rules were made to help us have a successful and safe camping experience. It is the responsibility of the adults in charge to see that their Scouts know and understand these rules. Anyone caught violating them may be asked to leave the camp.

Vehicles: Speed limit is 15 mph

No passengers in back of truck or trailer. Vehicles limited to main roads and parking areas only. Please, no vehicles in the campsite or blocking the roads.

Fires: Campfires are allowed in designated spots.

All liquid fuels must be used with adult supervision.



Firearms: Firearms, explosives, and fireworks are prohibited.

Conservation: Please conserve our natural resources. No digging, trenching, or raking.

ABSOLUTELY no cutting of brush or standing timber is allowed. The Ranger will assess a $1.00 per foot fine up to the maximum value of the tree for cutting timber.

Adults: At least one responsible adult (21 or older) must be in camp at all times.

Knives: NO straight bladed knives are allowed in camp.

Lights out: Scouts are not allowed out of their site after lights out with the exception of to and from the latrine.

PLEASE respect others during lights out. Scouters are asked to bring roaming Scouts to the headquarters after lights out.

Radios: No radios, stereos, tape players, headsets, etc. are allowed in camp.

Swimming: Any Scout caught swimming or wading in the river will be asked to leave camp.


Event Schedule


7:00-9:00 Check-in at Colber Shelter

9:30-10:30 Crackerbarrel for Scoutmasters, we want at least one leader per unit

11:00 Lights Out


7:00 Reveille

7:30-8:15 SPL Breakfast, at Colbert Shelter

8:45-9:00 Start assembling at Colbert Shelter for Flag Raising

9:00-9:30 Opening Flag Ceremony

9:30-10:00 Scouts can go back and change into Troop tee-shirts, head to first event

10:00-10:30 First Event

10:30-11:00 Second Event

11:00-11:30 Third Event

11:30-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:30 Fourth Event

1:30-2:00 Fifth Event

2:30-3:00 Sixth Event

2:30-5:00 Cope Course/Webelos Midway/Free Time

5:00-7:00 Dinner

7:00-7:30 First Non-Denominational Service

7:30-8:00 Second Non-Denominational Service

8:15-8:30 Flag Retreat

8:30-9:30 Campfire

9:30 OA Callout Ceremony

11:00 Lights Out


7:00 Reveille

7:30-9:00 Breakfast and break camp

9:00-10:00 Check out and campsite inspections

10:30 All units should be out of Camp. See You In At The Winter Camporee!!


Patrol Requirements

Each Patrol will compete in all events. The Patrol is issued an Event Card indicating the location and time of each event. Patrols must follow the schedule or chaos will break out. Please remind all Patrol Leaders how important it is to follow the schedule.

Patrols should also bring the following:

A Patrol Flag and a Patrol Yell

A skit for the campfire – remember what happened last time to the Patrols with no skitsJ

Food for the Food Drive


Food Drive

Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00pm we will be conducting a food drive for needy families in our area. Each Scout or Scouter who brings at least 2 cans of food to Colbert Shelter will be rewarded with a free mug (cup) of frosty root beer. Scouts are highly encouraged to bring more than 2 cans and there will be a prize donated for the Patrol that collects the most food. All Scouts must be in either the Class "A" uniform or a Troop tee-shirt to recieve the root beer. This might be something to remind the boys about before the Camporee.

Webelos Midway

Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00pm we will be having a Troop Midway for all of the Webelos. The Webelos and their parents will have an chance to visit each Troops booth to find out what each Troop has to offer them. Each Troop will register for a booth (picnic table) at the September Roundtable. Each Troop will have the Scoutmaster and the SPL at their booth to sell their Troop. The point of this Midway is to demonstrate the each Troop has somethings that they ‘specialize’ in; for example some Troops do LOTS of backpacking and trips to places like Philmont, others go canoeing all over the place, and still others go on trips to Sea Base. In our District Troops are located close enough so that the primary reason for picking a Troop should not just be location, it should be the one that best fits the Scout. Troops are highly encouraged to put alot of effort into their booth prior to the event. This could have an impact on recruitment for the following years. Troops are also encouraged to check out each others booths to see if there are ideas that might work well in their own Troops.


Blindfolded Tent Pitching – Here is the ultimate test for Future Eagle Scouts: Can your Patrol set up a tent while blindfolded?? Tents will be the standard Eureka A-Frame type tents and blindfolds will be taped over safety glasses. A bonus of 2 minutes will be awarded to any Patrol who does not talk while erecting the tent.

Matchless Fire Starting - There comes a time in every Scouting career, no matter how prepared you think you are, when you are going to need to start a fire and there are no matches available. Patrols will have to supply their own fire bows, stickes to rub, or flint and steel to spark with. There is not going to be anything provided, this is going to be an example of what can happened out in the woods. There will also be no commercial fire starting kits allowed, i.e. lighters, magnesium kits, or anything elsed purchased from a store. Fire bows must be homemade, flint and steel must be the non purchased kind.

Human Bowline Knot – Each Patrol will be provided a 25 foot rope, Scouts will place themselves evenly along the length of the rope. They will then place both hands on the rope and procede to tie that rope into a bowline know without any Scout letting go of the rope! Each time a Scout lets go of the rope it is a 30 second penalty.

Iwo Jima Flag Raising Event – On February 19, 1945 US Marines began one of the most costly invasions in history. This battle has been immortalized by one photo of 5 Marines planting a flag on the top of Mount Surabachi. This event will have the Patrols assemble a flag pole, attach their Patrol Flag, and then raise the pole. The Patrol will then stop with the pole half way up and ‘assume the pose’. A Polaroid Instamatic camera will be on hand to record the event for later judging. Points for the competition will be given out for proper lashing as well as for getting the pose correct. See the back of this flyer for more information pertaining to the pose, as well as the battle for Iwo Jima.

Tug of War – This is it, a test of true grit!! Patrols will square off in a good old fashioned tug of war, heats will be run in the rotation cycles for the events with the winners coming back during free time for the championship rounds. A scale will be on hand to make sure that the Patrols are evenly matched.

Time Measure Event – The one event that all Scoutmasters want to run. The Scouts will lay on the ground with their eyes shut and not saying anything. They will then raise their hand when they think that 5 minutes has passed. Scoring will be based on the average time off per Patrol.


COPE Course – This event will be run during free time for Scouts who are 13 years of age or older. This is providing that we can find someone who is Lower COPE Course Certified.

Registration Form

See Next page for Pre-Registration Form, please bring this form with you to campout.

Troop _________________ Scoutmaster _______________________________

Campsite _______________ SPL ______________________________________

(only if you registered at September Roundtable)

Name of Patrols __________________________________________________________


1 _____________________ 2 _____________________ 3_______________________

4 _____________________ 5 _____________________ 6_______________________

7 _____________________ 8 _____________________ 9_______________________

10 ____________________ 11 ___________________ 12 ______________________

13 ____________________ 14 ____________________ 15______________________

16 ____________________ 17 ____________________ 18______________________

19 ____________________ 20 ____________________ 21______________________

22 ____________________ 23 ____________________ 24______________________

25 ____________________ 26 ____________________ 27______________________

27 ____________________ 28 ____________________ 29______________________


1 _____________________ 2 _____________________ 3_______________________

4 _____________________ 5 _____________________ 6_______________________

Total Participation ______________ Payment Method:

Registration Fee _____$6.00_____ Troop Check ______

Late Fee _______________ Personal Check______

(if applicable $25) Cash _______

Total Due _______________


Pre-Registration Form

This form is to be either received in the Viking Council Scout offices prior to September 2nd, or turned in during the September Roundtable which is Tuesday, September 2nd. Any registration forms received after that will be assessed a $25 dollar late fee. If you have any question as to why we have late fees, ask Ted McLaughlin about being at Rainbow foods at 2am Saturday morning during the 1999 Spring Camporee making additional copies of event forms to cover the Troops who showed up unexpectedly.


Troop ____________________________________________________


Estimated # of boys____________________________________________

Estimated # of Adults__________________________________________

Total amount Paid____________________________________________

Troops must be pre-registered (and paid) to reserve campsites at the September Roundtable. Beginning at 6:45pm the night of the Roundtable reservations will be made on a first come, first served basis providing the Troop has pre-registered. Refunds will be made if the expected attendance is not met. Troops who have more show up than pre-registered will not be charged any late fee.

Forms should be mailed to:

Viking Council, BSA

Attn: Metro Lakes Fall Camporee

5300 Glenwood Ave

Golden Valley, MN 55422



Battle for Iwo Jima

Shortly before 2am on Feb. 19, 1945, the Navy's big guns opened up on Iwo Jima, signaling the beginning of D-Day. After an hour of punishment, the fire was lifted, leaving Iwo smoking as if the entire island were on fire.

At 8:30am, the order, "Land the Landing Force," sent the first wave of Marines towards the deadly shores. Once ashore, the Marines were bedeviled by the loose volcanic ash. Unable to dig foxholes, they were sitting ducks for the hidden Japanese gunners.

Heavy fire made it impossible to land men in an orderly manner. Confusion reigned on the beaches.

The battle was unique in its setting. One hundred thousand men fighting on a tiny island the size of Manhattan, for 36 days Iwo Jima was the most populated 7.5 miles on earth.

The Japanese strategy was unique for three reasons:
1. The Japanese didn't fight above ground. They fought the battle entirely from beneath the ground. They dug 1,500 rooms into the rock, connected with 16 miles of tunnels.
2. Japanese strategy called for "no Japanese survivors." They planned not to survive.
3. Japanese strategy was for each soldier to kill 10 Americans before they themselves were killed.

Mt. Suribachi, the 550-foot volcanic cone at the islands southern tip, dominates both possible landing beaches. From here, Japanese gunners zeroed in on every inch of landing approach. Blockhouses and pillboxes flanked the landing areas. Within, more heavy weapons stood ready to blast the attacking Marines. Machine guns criss-crossed the beaches with deadly interlocking fire. Rockets, anti-boat and anti-tank guns were also trained on the beaches. Every Marine, everywhere on the island was always in range of Japanese guns. Historians described U.S. forces' attack against the Japanese defense as "throwing human flesh against reinforced concrete."

Easy Company started with 310 men. We suffered 75% casualties. Only 50 men boarded the ship after the battle. Seven officers went into the battle with me. Only one--me--walked off Iwo."

. . . Captain Dave Severance,
. . . Easy Company Commander (the Flag Raising Company)

In 36 days of fighting there were 25,851 US casualties (1 in 3 were killed or wounded). Of these, 6,825 Americans were killed, virtually all 22,000 Japanese perished.

The Marines' effort provided a vital link in the U.S. chain of bomber bases. By war's end, 2,400 B-29 bombers carrying 27,000 crewman had made emergency landings on Iwo Jima. Most of these airmen owed their lives to the Marines.

Thanks to the "Friends of Iwo Jima" for the information and picture.

"Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue."

There are six Flag Raisers on the photo. Four in the front line and two in back.

The front four are (left to right) Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley, John Bradley and Harlon Block.

The back two are Michael Strank (behind Sousley) and Rene Gagnon (behind Bradley).


Block and Sousley would die shortly afterwards. Bradley, Hayes and Gagnon became national heroes within weeks.