2012 June Trip Videos
1. Posing in Waterfall -
We were trying to get everyone onto the rocks to pose for
pictures in the middle of the waterfall. Unfortunately for
some reason there is on sound on this one file. All you would
have heard anyway was the whooshing of the water going by.
2. Climbing on the rocks - Scouts were having lots of fun climbing up and down on the waterfall.
3. Henry running down the Log Chute
- Since Henry had done this before, he was elected as the guinnea pig
to go down the hill first. At the end you get a good shot of
Henry's nose :-)
4. Going back up the Log Chute
- Going down is easy. Going back up is something comepletely
different. Good point though about bringing water the next time.
5. Mac goes down Log Chute - Mac shows how fast you can run down the Log Chute
6. Log Chute Duo - Owen and Malcolm go down the Log Chute together.
7. Owen's Narrative - Owen narrates the climb all the way back up the hill
8. Calling National BSA - As we were going over the Mackinac
Bridge Dave called National to see if Ted was correct that the BSA bans
paintballing. This was NOT meant as a prank call, though some may
view it that way. However when the person at National called Dave
"Ma'am", he ran with it.
9. Riding the Ferry to Mackinac Island - On the ferry ride out to Mackinac we went under the Bridge.
10. Biking around Mackinac Island. - Pretty much sums it up.
11. The first run - Each group of rafters brought a 2nd raft with
them. This is the first run through the rapids for the morning
12. The second run - After the first run they parked the rafts
downstream and hiked back up around the rapids and did it again with
the 2nd raft.
13. Luis goes in - The afternoon group played in the water for
awhile before getting to the rapids. Here Luis gets pulled in.
14. Ted goes in - Luis and Malcolm proceed to pull Ted in.
15. Water Wars - Two of the rafts have a battle
16. Raft Race - The lead two rafts race downstream.
Unfortunately Malcolm & Luis spent a little too much time playing with the
camera and not enough time paddling.
17. The first run - The first raft in the afternoon goes through
the big rapds, then pauses to wait for the rest of the rafts.
18. The lower rapids - After pausing to wait for the other rafts the first raft goes through the lower rapids
19. The second run - The afternoon group's second run
20. At the buffet - After the initial rush to grab food at the buffet we check out what the Scouts think of it.
21. First person eating - Just in case you are curious what the nose of a teenage boy sees when he eats.
22. Fun with Jello - Enough said. Be thankful that this is the only one of these posted.
23. Lots of Ice Cream - We were going to go to Dairy Queen after
the buffet, but when the Scouts discovered there was unlimited ice
cream at the buffet our plans changed.
24. Henry S. begs for gum - Henry H. had the gum, and to get a
piece Henry S. had to say "who's your daddy" for 1 minute.
25. Henry S. gets his revenge - This is a good reason why you
always want to pay attention when riding in a vehicle on a long drive, especially when there are a bunch of bored boys around.
26. Keeping Ted awake - After a week of very long drives the
Scouts were all supposed to make sure that none of the drivers fell
asleep at the wheel. The Scouts in Ted's car have a funny way of
doing it.