WALIGAZHU Invitation
Date: ??
Time: 9:30
- 3:30 p.m.
Place: Northeast National Guard Armory -
1025 Broadway NE in Northeast Minneapolis.
Program: Troops arrive and register 9:30
register their troops)
Round Robin of
games: Soccer, Touch football, Volley
ball, etc. 10:00
Lunch Noon
Scout Skill Contests 1:00
Half the
patrols Other half
Map and
Compass Tripods 1:00 - 1:30
Tripods Maps and
Compass 1:30 - 2:00
Knots First Aid 2:00 - 2:30
First Aid Knots 2:30 -
and closing 3:00
- 3:20
Judges: Knots: One judge for each patrol. Head judge and timer.
First Aid: One judge for each patrol. Head judge
Tripods: Seven judges needed, including head judge
Map and Compass: One judge for each patrol. Head judge and timer.
Rules: Questions not covered in these
rules will be governed by the Boy Scout Handbook. Disputes will be settled by a jury of the
Scoutmasters of each troop. The host
Scoutmaster, Dave Moore, will be chairman of the jury, and will vote only in
case of a tie.
Scoring: A patrol can receive up to 50
points on each event for a total of 200 points.
The chief judge for each event should relay scores to the Main Scoring
Table, manned by the SPL's of the participating troops. These scores will be posted on a blackboard.
Awards: Ribbons will be awarded to the
top three patrols in each event. In the
case of a tie, duplicate ribbons will be awarded. Three over-all awards will be given to the
top three patrols, based on their total points for the four contests. In the case of a tie, the award will go to
the patrol with the highest score for any one event. If the tie is still not broken, the next
highest scores on any one event will be compared, etc. All patrols will receive participation
ribbons. There will be only patrol
awards, no troop awards.
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